sto doff farming

Mission types include: Consoles, Dual Heavy Cannons, Beam Arrays, and Torpedoes. Other, more common commodities can be found in assignments themselves, replicated, or bought from a variety of specialized vendors. Finally, if you're crafting to make EC, remember opportunity cost. Upon transwarp to the Undine battlezone, starting flying your ship and stop when you immediately see the doff assignments option. FED players, do not despair! The reason I picked the support missions is because there's a lot of them, half of the DOFFs you get from them are useless, and they're FREE. Suliban Cell Ship: One of three (technically four) contenders for the best possible doffing ship, the cell ship interior provides both a Trader contact to receive additional Trade assignments and a Suliban contact to run Tau Dewa Aid chain assignments. NOTE: a 4 hour cooldown for this mission was introduced with the launch of the Legacy of Romulus expansion pack in 2013. They go for about 10M a pop, to they're not too bad. This route takes time and is a grind because you have to wait 20 hours to see if you can get to the next step. Use the mission list below as a guide and plot your route. If you'd like to help out with updating the wiki, click here for a list of all new items and content! Thank you to @spacewitch3 for compiling this list and @masterskittle for passing it on to me.You can find the list used in the video here: https://www.dropbo. Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions: Awards an entertainer of the same rarity as the assignment on a crit. The start point is a cup of bloodwine near the bar. For some reason I see a spike in rare doff prices. Play whatever race you would like to play. For those taking notes, 1 VR doff will generate 27 common doffs. Cultural Exchange assignments: Available only to the Federation, there are ten of these (one is linked as an example). You get commendation by initiating DOFF assignments and completing them. Get a Federation, or Klingon character to Level 50. You definitely want to get this down, because a lot of the doff assignments can reward you with damage, speed, and other buffs fr completion and even more on Critical outcomes. I don't have the answer to how often that occurs so your guess is as good as mine. 2 Matter-Antimatter Specialists, 2 Science doffs (doffs return to your roster). Well Traveled: This trait, obtainable by doing well in Tour the Galaxy, cuts transwarp cooldown by 20%. On the upside FED, your strength in earning dilithium will be in transporting colonists, and I've found that the missions that provide colonists occur in ratio to missions that take colonists to be slightly better then KDF prisoner missions, with the caveat that KDF will always have available the opportunity to turn in ten prisoners for an almost guaranteed 1000 dil. ULTRA RARE ITEM CRAFTING DOFFS Doffs can be attached to messages at mail terminals just like items. This usually does not take me even half and hour, and this is spent mostly in between waiting for STFs to start. Upon finishing the . For example CXP 10,000 or 25,000. Obviously, if you are grinding Commendation XP you should buy as many CXP boosts as you can afford. First off i want to thank everyone for their help and advice on leveling, i ended up doing 1-50 in 4 days. These areas included procedurally-generated missions of questionable quality, mostly revolving around giving a random NPC a certain amount of commodities. Klingons will find however that this option, while it does offer the chance of a crit for 2500 dil, is in the long run less optimal with regard to use of prisoners and risk, but more optimal with regard to time with a 2 hr duration. At higher CXP ranks, this is also a method for passively farming Fleet Marks. What and how do I get CXP bonus pool packs? If someone is a Excel Guru then by all means please add it. You won't run into any exploration systems, only scanning anomalies. Variations include, 19 duty officers and 20 entertainment provisions (doffs return to your roster). At the respective factions academies, Personnel Officers allow a captain to commission cadres of duty officers, and also to turn in five underperforming duty officers, plus a modest amount of Dilithium, for a random duty officer of the next highest quality. For those taking notes, 1 VR doff will generate 27 common doffs. You can reach to other veteran players in this game and I am sure we are willing to help you with any Doff questions that you may have. (I am aware that the Nagus technically works as well. The system unlocks once a character reaches Level 11. Use cheap greens or blues with crit traits for this mission. With the easy Dilithium from Admiralty removed, restoring older methods of Dil-farming became far more imperative. You can send your common doffs to your fleet, dismiss them and get more bonus CXP or sell them The choice is yours. See Gamepedia wiki page. While these are generally good deals, the assignments are somewhat rare to appear and (unlike prisoners) refugees take up slots on your main roster. I do not like to think about the Nagus.) After you complete each of the 14 Colonization chains, you get the repeatable Support Colonization Efforts mission for each one. I have found that the easiest ones to get to Tier IV, the quickest order I found that works are the following: A. Duty officers will be in one of the seven following departments: There are also 2 more departments that have their own roster separated from the main roster: Passengers (usually colonists) and the Brig. You only get points for DOFF assignments that are completed and not for assignments that gets an outcome of failure. Star Trek Online video follow up to my previous guide on the upgrade system with commentary.Link to previous video: By default the Exchange lists all doffs, whether your character can use them or not. Tellarites with Stubborn and Resolve fetch around a million EC on the Exchange. If you Crit it, you get one of 14 Very Rare Duty officers. If all else fails, the Exchange usually has exactly what you want. Note that your results will vary from others. This is always a good trade for common prisoners, especially if you already have access to admiralty. Outfit it for DPS. With a proper guide, Dil-farming through Contraband Marauding and/or Colonial assignment chaining should be just as easy as it was previously. it may have a 'Fed' or 'KDF" Suffix in it depending on what faction you are. And so on until I've got all saleable doffs. Both are around 85,000 CXP and I need 100,000 CXP to get them to the final level of 4. Snagged a Stubborn + Resolve damage control engineer doff outta this, instant +17 mil, made about 30 or so when the next two (including the 17 mil) doffs sell. One of the items you can craft on Defera is a fractal remodulator. Alternatively, you can buy 3 blue ones and use those while you wait out the long process of farming B'Tran cluster. You should be a KDF-aligned Romulan, however, as Romulans have access to a third set of doffs the other two factions cannot use. Winters STO Top Tips. Efficient is also almost always helpful when it appears. Regular doff assignments can be re-tried after you fail and the cool off has come around. Nah, im in a fleet with my 2 RL friends. Doff missions. Join the Discord! Players of the Klingon faction additionally have the following assignments to "dismiss" duty officers (other than prisoners/colonists/refugees) for a reward: There are currently 65 different species of duty officers. (It also includes two scaling ground weapons.). This is one of the factors that determines which doffs can go on which missions. In this section, I will explain the various traits of a doff and how they impact gameplay. Some assignment slots may require duty officers of a particular rank to succeed. Each doff either belongs to one of the six departments (tactical, security, engineering, operations, science and medical) or is a civilian. All ranks unlock titles, a free doff, the ability to purchase more doffs with dilithium (or EC, in three cases), and in two cases transwarp points and an enemy-faction boff. I have only found the Vulcan one. SECOND UPDATE: The grinding and combining also nets you a ton of Recruitment CXP, which you can trade in at the Starbase for 75 Fleet Marks (100 on Crit) assuming you already have at least 100k Recruitment CXP. A variety of changes to the system, however, have made it not more difficult but less intuitive. Very Rare Mk XII Consoles net between 3 and 50 million EC, depending on the console. (There is some disagreement on this point. check with your operations officer in the Department heads tab or on your ships engineering deck. Every bridge officer has their very own special expertise, which are displayed in daring text. These missions appear infrequently in sector space, usually in your personal tab under Recruitment. At endgame, however, almost anything worth crafting is available on the exchange at a price far lower than what you spend on Memory Alpha. You may want to check the exchange to see if you can't get more. This assignment has a 72 hour cooldown upon completion. (doffs return to your roster). I found the alpha quadrant, and in particular the area around DS9, to offer the most trade assignments with good payoffs. The various assignment items available from lockboxes or the exchange which can lead to doff rewards are not worth the cost. Project Chrysalis assignment chain: This assignment chain awards a very rare officer upon completion. Read the 2.99 mil EC Race Route for instructions on how to earn millions of EC in one hour. Unique, unrepeatable assignment. Fleet doffs can be recruited at many fleet holdings by spending an absolutely outrageous number of fleddits for each doff purchased. The maximum amount that can be earned during the event is 350,000 EC. If you are buying doffs from the Exchange, always check to ensure that the doff you are buying is usable by your faction. BUt now im at the point where i want to start to raise it to max. The best way to farm crafting mats is to farm EC and buy them on the exchange. Others have mentioned breaking down doffs into lower doffs and this is fine if you have enough free doff slots. I have reached level 4 on all of them except Recruitment and Trade. You can still farm dilithium on your main, and make a good showing for it, without having to spend time on an alt that you don't care about and which makes DOffing a chore. Finally, many Marauding assignments have a chance of awarding prisoners. There are a handful of doffs available to buy during the Summer Event. There are a number of them available through chance drops from the academy or in the C-store packs for 250 zen. CORE RULEBOOK. Otherwise, all that flying around is annoying. At first, fleet projects require common (white) DOFFs, which are removed from your ship's roster and placed on permanent assignment in the fleet structures. Acquire or sacrifice a "useless" very rare DOFF. May his word be taken as the law of Bank. The only caveat is because the Grind to Craft ratio is 3:5, you need 5 Support DOFFs to make three Tellarite DOFFs. It is your friend. There is also some unique items that you can get such as the Aegis set, Omni-Directional beams, and more. Promotions: Several doffs have been given away for free in the past. Complete it to the end, completely. Most doffs are aligned to a faction--either FED, KDF, or ROM, with the vast majority being either FED or KDF (and consequently usable by those faction's allies). Asylum assignment type: These allow you to exchange refugees for random doffs. You can then visit the personnel officer and exchange them down for 3 lower ranking officers. But it is sustainable, as the longest mission duration for obtaining prisoners is the Orion slavers, you should be able to cycle prisoners into dilithium without looking further then 2-3 sectors. These were a reward from the No Win Scenarios Event in Event Campaign II, and are currently unobtainable. There is a Tellarite Personnel Officer at Starfleet Academy, and all Tellarites come with Stubborn as a default trait, with the possibility of being generated with Resolve, an Engineering specialization, or both. Then click on Undine or Space battlezone contact. You can recognise these because they will be marked as being part of a chain by ending with 3/7, or whichever stage of the series they belong to. And speaking of rewards: through the doffing system, it is possible to earn XP, dilithium, energy credits, rare commodities, equipment, special bridge officers, and even additional doffs. We've already looked at the Consign Prisoners to Colonial Labor Battalion mission, with its 2 hr. Out in the sector space map, and in many social zones, there are doff assignments available. Facility 4028 assignment chain: Rewards a rare prisoner upon completion and unlocks a repeatable assignment, Strike At Fugitive Support Network, which can award rare or very rare prisoners. Like items, doffs can be bound to your character. However, a particularly large benefit when grinding is that they also contribute bonus Commendation XP to a success or crit based on their rarity. I am trying to reach level 4 on all of my Doff commendation categories. Colonial missions are also not as frequent for the KDF. Free is never bad. These include the Lower Decks doffs, Neal Falconer, and the doff version of Holo-Leeta previously given out at conventions. You can confirm that the pool has been added in the upper corner of your screen. For best results, send a purple trader on the mission. Fleet Research Lab has a doff mission, K13, and Mine Holding do too. Notably, this officer comes unbound--and the officer you send can be bound. I was able to get 6 VR KDF's doffs that joined my crew for getting critical success on my assignment. In the future I will be adding a DOFF calculator to determine the time needed to complete each tier and with/without bonus CXP pools. There is a 9% chance of critical success and a 91% chance of success. Adding the extra 3 will help you get your goals as more slots = more assignments that can be ran. 3 security doffs (returned to your roster upon completion). Like foundry mission farming, PVE/PVP combat can be quite lucrative. The assignment Colonists to , also known as Relocate Colonists takes 5 colonists per, can not be failed, I'll say it again, CAN NOT BE FAILED, and pays out 500 dil per mission, with a chance to crit for 1500. . Colonization mission chains: These are a major source of doffs, as one chain is available in each colonial cluster. Quality (purple, blue) depends on refugee quality and crit traits. cool-down, but a base disaster (only disaster, no simple failures here!) Refugees can be obtained from Duty Officer Assignments: Assignment: Support Colonization Efforts (*These missions do NOT award Refugees, on a Critical Sucess they award 1 Prisoner.) Specialist Fleet Awards. I zipped through the recruitment CXP using your technique at the Personnel Officer. There is no warning in game - like with bridge officers - to stop you from buying or trading from the other faction and discover the Duty Officer (DOFF) isn't going to do what you wanted. If you crit all 4 of Colonists to , you will receive 6000 dil. The set itself can work in a torpboat setup. FEDs get 20 "free" colonist DOffs when they start out, but afterward this is the mission you need to get more. Go to Drozana Station (for all factions.). DOFF Grinding for Fun and Profit I was inspired by CaptainBaldy's Cakeday Giveaway and wanted to build on the idea. Using it on a Ferengi ship also provides access to yet another assignment contact. Duty Officers on your ship can build components and will offer assignments some of these are new and some of these are additional chances to focus your efforts on a specific commendation category (e.g. Finally completed most of the chains except for what's left in KDF space, and was excited that I was able to get 4 support missions before I went to bed last night. STO is no different. I add this to my dailies list when I do dailies. cool-down, 28% disaster rate, and 1000 dil (2500 dil for a crit) payout. keep scanning. This limit can be exceeded by purchasing 1 additional slot for ground and space through the. TL;DR - it's possible to "farm" the Support Very Rare DOFFs, break them down into Rare DOFFs, feed them to the Tellarite Personnel Officer, and get a Very Rare DOFF that's worth between one and twenty million plus EC with the right traits on the Exchange, or assemble a team of those DOFFs to craft Mk XII consoles and either keep them, sell them, or give them away. Good group of people there. The general idea is to score critical successes to get items and more doffs, then sell the expensive items and doffs for EC. This is Due the Fact that collored quallity Doff cant die in Missions. But i just traded in a bunch of bound blues. This function permits you to add as many bridge officers as you need, depending on the kind of ship you are using. I had held off on this due to the perceived difficulty in doing so, and because the available information on doffing is essentially years out of date. For example, a Peaceful doff may get a bonus on a Diplomacy mission. There are many options for setting up a doff dil farm since every doff mission provides a small dil reward. See the Tellarite, Andorian, and Vulcan personnel officers at Starfleet Academy. This is a 'Per Toon'/'Per Character' limit, so if you have an alt, you can switch to it and continue to farm loot for EC. While most of the bundle can only be used by Federation-aligned characters, Klingon-aligned ones can in fact still claim the doffs through a Klingon version in the Zen store. Along with that, there's the Children's Toys chain, which lets you craft Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare Mk XII consoles. You can turn on the option at the bottom of the Exchange window to only show usable items. Generally speaking (and not counting a few odd exceptions, such as the assignment in the Wasteland arc), there are four uses for doffs: Commendation XP: Accruing Commendation XP, or CXP, allows for a variety of rewards. Amarie Smuggler's Heavy Escort: This ship also has a bridge with a trader contact. This is the other major sorting mechanism for which doffs can go on what missions. Green, blue, and purple quality duty officers cannot die while on assignment, but can sustain injury which will make them unavailable for a period of time (Usually 8 hours) and is likely to place them in sickbay. I will have to try it out. C. This option is probably the easiest and makes the most sense. You will receive a few more as you level up. I got this one up to Tier IV quick but continuously running the 30 minute assignments and running the large one found on your bridge under Science Assignments and at the Undine space Battlezone. Starbase 24 and Gorn Minefield both have a good reward system: first place awards 2 purple mk xi items, second place awards 1 purple mk xi item, and 3rd place awards 1 blue mk xi item. While these duty officers technically fall in the civilian category, they have some differences with it, like in example you will not be able to use them for many assignments that would normally allow any character in them. One more tip: get a Consultant doff that gives a bonus to CXP. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, M'ky RA/RSE Adm/HoS MS/Resident "Tytrant". The transwarp unlocks are useful in any context, not just DOffing. Investigate Temporal Anomaly: A non-repeatable assignment which awards a purple-quality bartender. Video Guides. Either that or grab a Melee weapon as they don't adapt to them. They are meant to be used with crafting, but can be used in assignments as normal. The final step of Children's Toys, Fabricate Prototype Console from Alien Artifact, needs five Engineers with Resolve for Success, with Crits on Efficient, Stubborn, and Cunning. Last year, I finally got around to completing the grind to six T4 commendation ranks on both my Temporal and Gamma recruits. I've seen them act wonky before. Consular Authority assignment chains: Found in the Alpha Quadrant, these chains each end with a repeatable assignment which allow one to trade one doff for one of (likely) equal or better value. Even the incredibly good doffing assignments in the Dsyon sphere are gone. In Star Trek Online (STO), Dilithium ("Dil") is used as a currency to purchase everything from starships, high level or specialized weapons and armor, and other end game content, including contributions to Fleet Projects (STO's Guilds) and the Reputation system.

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