once upon a time fanfiction regina and david pregnant

Because Snow's name is on the headstone, making it impossible for her to leave, she prompts David to return home alone. Henry, having sneaked out to look for his mother, returns with an injury Emma caused. Leroy helps win over Anton by mentioning Emma was given the compass by him. ("The Tower"), A new curse is cast by none other than Snow White; returning Prince Charming and the rest of the Enchanted Forest inhabitants to the town of Storybrooke. A collection of drabbles inspired by a prompt list I found on tumblr. Work Search: As they watch Belle hold Neal in her arms, David quietly reassures Mary Margaret that everything will be fine. With a strategy planned to travel towards Pan's camp, the group breaks apart to assemble for leaving. Reappearing, the Queen demands an answer by sundown tomorrow or for every day Snow White refuses, one of her subjects will perish. Willing to pay the price, he drinks it and is healed. The man was clearly upset, but if the shepherd could stop him from doing something reckless maybe they could find an answer. He reassures her that they will figure out something but that she needs to rest first for their child's sake. However, he regrets saying this, after realizing it sounds like he is blaming Hook for his troubles. Despite that she had fun, David concedes he had nothing to do with what happened, and Will broke out on his own. Later, David picks up Emma so they can investigate the cause of a sudden blackout. The Blue Fairy imbues the magic in the songs into Emma's heart and tells the couple that she'll need them one day as she will fight a certain battle alone. Rumplestiltskin swears that the curse, though it has rendered Snow White cold and heartless, can be undone with true love's kiss. The trio becomes a pair as Hook decides to stay behind and help Belle. During her trial as the prime suspect, Mary Margaret later has Mr. Gold as an attourney during their time. When a fury kidnaps Robin, Regina gets hurt trying to save him, causing her to stay behind, while David, Mary Margaret, Leroy and Arthur chase after the fury. Regina and David have been married for years, but have a *slight* misunderstanding. Just in time, he and Ruby cause a road block to prevent anyone from crossing the border. With David's encouragement, Mr. Gold asks her out. To save her life, David goes on a remote island with her to attempt to rehabilitate the Evil Queen. Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. Knowing death is near, Ruth admits her only regret is not seeing her son get married to Snow White. At their parting, Snow White jokingly tries on his ring, but declares it's not her style. When Belle gives her condolences to him for having a drunkard for a father, David reveals it was harder to not have him around after he died than when he was alive and an alcoholic. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves and she believes is a sign they will defeat Ingrid. Dopey steps over the line and nothing happens, but then, he turns into into a tree. During the conversation, Henry proves to Emma that Pan switched bodies with him, to which all of them go to meet up with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection. Josh Dallas (Adult)Luke Roessler (Child) David confesses he was scared, knowing she would be unwilling to leave the island with him, and did not want to force the cure's price on her. This is a result of Ruth's secret sacrifice of switching out the lake water into the ceremonial chalice for Snow White. ("A Bitter Draught"), With peace restored, Prince Charming and Snow White begin residing in the castle and hold a formal wedding ceremony as the kingdom's citizens gather in attendance. After the two men move the jukebox out of the way, they retrieve the wand in a floor compartment just as the Black Fairy shows up to demand it from them. After entering the barrier, they find the destroyed beans. ("Broken"), The next day, David heads to Regina's house, once again confronting her about the vortex, but she refuses to give a proper answer. In response to her comment about being "friends" with the demigod, David jokingly gives her a hard time about it. until she ran away into the Forest away from the castle until she met Prince Before Emma leaves for Skull Rock to stop Pan, she presses David and Mary Margaret to go back to Dead Man's Peak and retrieve more of the spring water as a necessity for the journey home. Sighting a bush of thorns, he prepares to cut them away, but Hook informs the group the dangers of the poisonous Dreamshade oozing out from the spikes. Shocked, Mary Margaret wonders what will happen now that he's on the loose. ("Lost Girl"), Heading north by following the map, the plan is a failure once when they notice Pan's camp location keeps changing, making their journey fruitless. Since it's not safe to be alone, she presses him to take Hook and Henry with him too. Snow falls asleep and is then transported by the Queen to the woods, where David uncurses her with true love's kiss. Granny is curious about what they are doing at the fields, which Leroy quickly says is landscaping. Suddenly, he is alerted to Abigail's scream as a cloaked thief escapes on horseback with his ring. Mary Margaret fears the repercussions of killing the Author or wiping out Regina's happy ending, but he insists they must do it to protect Emma. Once there, Zelena brews tea for them. Following Hyde's death when Hook kills Jekyll to protect Belle, David covers up the corpses with a jacket. David and Maleficent try to reach her, only for Lily to block them with a stream of fire, before taking off again. Arriving at Maleficent's cave, the pair locate the ashes, but both are knocked out by Ursula. Before leaving, Snow fulfills her end of the deal by revealing the name of her child: Emma. As David reasons what they did was wrong and it was a decision made out of fear, Emma shuts down the conversation, deciding it is more important to look for the Author. After waking up, Prince Charming receives news from Snow White that they are expecting another child, which shocks him, but he hides his true feelings from her. They corner Tinker Bell outside a cavern, but an unharmed Regina attests to the fairy's innocence. After David obliges, the witch directs them to Underbrooke's haunting booth. Reaching consciousness, David is offered magic water, which will heal his wound, but he can never leave the island. Hyde remains immune to Emma and Regina's combined magic, and warns David and the other townspeople about his people's untold stories which will soon play out. As the curse's mirror shards infiltrate the building, David and his wife hold hands in comfort. ("Pilot"), Directly after the meeting with Rumplestiltskin, Charming returns home with Snow, who is frantic about finding a way to stop the Queen's curse. After whisking Anna and Kristoff away, Regina magically unlocks Mary Margaret's cell and challenges her to a sword-fight. Emma arrives to inform them a box with Kathryn's heart was found. As he and his brother fight each other one-on-one, David tries to persuade him to stop because he wants to help him move on. Latest appearance: However, they are cornered by Camelot soldiers, with Guinevere freeing Arthur and having Lancelot imprisoned in the dungeon. David and his wife, along with Emma, accompany the Arendelle natives there. SH elater grows mad with also helping raise Emma's younger brother, Neal, but finds it complicated. This is alarming to David, who begins to hypothesize that he could've killed Kathryn and not even know it, when Regina barges in demanding his arrest, though Emma fights against it. That night at the loft, he tells Snow about the card's contents, which states his father was stabbed by someone, rather than getting drunk and falling to his death. Despite this, she is angry he didn't tell her about the cure or the cost for it. Rumplestiltskin states that there will be a curse cast by the Evil Queen, and their only hope to break free of it is their unborn child, whom he dubs to be a Savior who will save them all in twenty-eight years. Before Joan leaves, David gifts her a steed, which belonged to his father, as he no longer needs a reminder of the past. Consumed by her hatred of Snow, Regina enlists the help of Rumpelstiltskin to take the baby girl away and erase her memories of her daughter. Things cool down only when Neal forces him to hand over the box. She returns to throw fairy dust on the trolls, transforming them into bugs, and they leave with the retrieved ring. Before they can find Mr. Gold, Henry disappears to New York City with the crystal, intending to destroy the magic within it. With a spin from his cane, he mysteriously disappears. David knows Mary Margaret is neither like August or Regina, and there has to be a way to help because he believes in the goodness in her heart. The pirate also mentions that his quest to bring their daughter back to Storybrooke was prompted by a messenger bird, attached with a note requesting for Emma as well as a vial of memory potion, which he had assumed was from Mary Margaret. David later plans on leaving Storybrooke and unsuccessfully convinces her to come along with him. ("A Bitter Draught", "Heartless"), David and his wife are at the psychiatric ward with Regina, who hopes to find out from Hyde about why the Queen is still alive. An agitated Maleficent then shakes Prince Charming off her neck and spits flames at him, but he quickly jumps out a window. Due to her out of control powers, Emma insists they stay back, but David and Hook approach to help her. He is portrayed by Josh Dallas. Human After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. Snow later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, both of them falling in love with each other during their journey. David supposes that Hook has truly changed, to which a perplexed Emma says, from another room, that she can still hear them talking. Charming comes to fill Regina in about the knife's enchantment, and following this, Snow banishes her from the kingdom and threatens to kill her if she ever harms anyone ever again. David hurries to stop a wolf Ruby from attacking Albert as he aims to gun her down. Her short hair is a reference to Snow White from the original film who also had short black hair. Mary Margaret gains insight on Pan's real reason for needing Henry's heart, which is to save himself from dying and then become immortal. They receive assistance from Ruby, who has regained her wolfish sense of smell, and tracks Belle to her father's flower shop. Suddenly, a flying monkey attacks, though the creature is quickly disarmed when Regina turns it into a stuffed animal. Out on the castle balcony, the couple is met by the Blue Fairy, who explains that the power that came from their songs was never intended to be used against the Queen and instead is for Emma. David wishes to destroy the page and think of the consequences later, but Mary Margaret convinces him against taking the easy way out and that they must come clean. Since both Emma and Regina need to find people outside of Storybrooke, they make plans to leave together. The Blue Fairy tells her to have faith their plan will work, and if not, the curse will take them to a new land where their memories are erased and they will be slaves to the Queen's will. He states they are simply not compatible together, but it should not stop Kathryn from pursuing her dream. Snow tells him about surviving on her own, and upon learning David is selling his farm, she offers to give him her money as thanks for him saving her. Both of them are saved by Stealthy, but it results in the eighth dwarf's death. At Robin's funeral, David and Snow step forward to lay a rose entwined arrow on the casket. At the library, David helps his family and Merida plow through books to look up information on Hades' weakness, though nothing is found. The woman escapes, though David angrily shouts that he will find her again. Pets: She persuades him to instead find happiness elsewhere because this is the best kind of revenge against Regina. She tricked Regina into restoring her heart, killing her own mother. Hook agrees not to hinder him if killing Albert will make him feel better, but asks if he can live with what he's done, knowing that Robert lived for the sake of making his son proud. Grandchildren My contribution to Evil Charming Week 2018 days 3 and 4 (Bed Sharing and Rescue). Charmings' farmBlanchard loft (formerly)Evil Queen's palace (formerly)Nolan house (formerly)Royal castle (formerly)Ruth's farm (formerly) When Archie runs up explaining that Dr. Whale is leading an angry mob to Regina's house so she can answer for her crimes as Evil Queen, the entire group rush there to calm the irate townspeople. ("Kansas"), Returning home, David and Mary Margaret plan to do-away with the traditional royal ceremony and announce their son's name during a celebration at the diner. However, he is shocked when Mary Margaret suggests the two of them move out and let Emma and Henry have the apartment. Atop of the dragon's lair, all but one knight perishes. Relevant Pages Under Emma's persuasion, Shirin reveals she is Jasmine from Agrabah, and swears she did not kill the Oracle, who was helping her find Aladdin, another Savior like Emma. Emma then goes to be alone, to which Mary Margaret sadly considers her inability to comfort her own daughter. Seeking cover in an abandoned cabin, sparks fly as they confess their feelings for each other. After evading more soldiers, they reach Lancelot's prison cell and unexpectedly find an imprisoned Merida as well. The story of "Regina Mills". Heading back to camp, David tries talking to Mary Margaret about his earlier disclosure, but she snaps at him. They still have doubts about whether Neal heard them, and they receive confirmation that he did after Henry records the event in the storybook. Since Bo Peep once branded Anna with a shepherds crook, the men forcibly take the item and rush to the cave when Elsa radios that Emma is freezing to death. Her parents pretend they were too harsh on the strangers earlier and have since let go of the issue, which Emma doesn't buy, but she accepts their explanation. "Pilot" Arthur tells him about the table's seats, which are of equal status among himself and the other knights except for the Siege Perilous, a seat he once bestowed to the knight with the purest heart, Lancelot, until he was betrayed by him. Searching on foot, they eventually find Emma, who hasn't stripped her magic due to Elsa's persuasion. ("The Other Shoe"), One morning, David makes an abundance of pancakes for Emma. While ona walk, a blast of magic runs through the city and Mary Margaret regains her memories as Snow White and she and her husband reunite with each other with their new memories in contact. She had always assumed that she couldn't get pregnant and the father of this child..the father..well she didn't have to worry about the father because she was never going to see him again and that was something she was grateful for. He believes the unknown isn't always bad and life is full of twists and turns just like the curse. Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Show Information Emma disagrees, telling him that some people are beyond help if they can't move past their grudges. Grif assumes the Dark One is involved, which David finds plausible since Emma stole the pickax recently, but Arthur recalls the Dark One doesn't need weapons and points out scratch marks on the chest. Angst and fluff. ("The Dark Swan"), The portal takes the diner to the Enchanted Forest, where David and his allies stop Emma from crushing Merida's heart, before they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. David tries to be enthusiastic for her, but thinks Boston is too faraway. Occupation: Honoring her wish, Snow White asks Lancelot to perform a marriage ceremony. Finally, David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. Snow reveals her greatest secret, she wishes to have another baby because she lost her chance with Emma, but then learns the truth that David can't leave the island and they can't have another baby because he will die if he does so. Neal Nolan's mother, step-daughter of the Evil Queen Regina Mills, the daughter of King Cruella admits that she's just following Hades' orders, but if Henry revives her using his Author powers, she'll allow David to make one last phone call. In actuality, Abigail sent soldiers after him, as she wanted to get to him first before King George. After much thinking, Snow White convinces Prince Charming that they'll use Maleficent's egg since she believes a child of a dragoness will be evil by nature no matter what. To make up for it, David teaches Henry how to sword fight with wooden weapons. He asks for his ring, though another prince, Charles, states it is with his princess, Leia, who is now the Queen's prisoner, so they must save her first. Disclosure, but it results in the ice reveals Anna 's lost necklace, which quickly... Get to him first before King George of revenge against Regina becomes a pair as Hook decides stay. Finds it complicated she prompts David to return home alone flower shop them. A remote island with her to attempt to rehabilitate the Evil Queen sparks as... An agitated Maleficent then shakes Prince Charming off her neck and spits flames at.... And challenges her to come along with Emma, who has n't stripped her magic due to her father flower. 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