physiological function dream theory

During this bright period of the Middle Ages some physicians also reasoned about dreams. An analysis of the supraspinal influences acting on motoneurons during sleep in the unrestrained cat. Vertes & Eastman (88) argue against memory consolidation during sleep, what is in opposition to Wilson & McNaughton's hypothesis (87). When only one side of the reticular formation is also destroyed, the same pattern of recovery does occur; if the other side of the reticular formation is also destroyed after two or three weeks, recovery of wakefulness and desynchronized sleep is even faster than when both sides are lesioned at the same time. The meaning of dreams is therefore still an unsolved problem. Gadea-Ciria M. Plasticity of ponto-geniculo-occipital waves during paradoxical sleep after frontal lobe lesions in the cat. Disclaimer. Progr Neurobiol 1984;22:241-88. The Psychology of Dreaming. Braun et al. It has been proposed (120,123,124) that presleep mentation is infrequently incorporated in top dreams and that "naturalistic" day time events rarely enter dream content, but several authors correlated dream content to the previous day events, starting with Aristotle 2,400 years ago and with Calkins in 1893. Pompeiano O. Mechanisms responsible for spinal inhibition during desynchronized sleep. MeSH (1987) suggested the occurrence of two kinds of eye movements during dreams, one associated to the very dream content, another of reflex nature, that may be involved in those occurring in children and in blind people but such a hypothesis is unlikely to be valid (35). Eine Methodik der Ableitung localisierter Potentialschwankungen aus subcortikalen Hirngebieten. Solms M. Dreaming and REM sleep are controlled by different brain mechanisms. Movements of the eyes when the lids are closed. 59. According to Revonsuo (2000), memories of such events are probably over-represented in the brain. Frequency clearly increases and becomes regular, as compared with the trend before oniric activity. Heiss W-D, Pawlik G, Herholz K, Wagner R, Weinhard K. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in man during wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. Contemporary neuroscientific theories often view dreams as epiphenomena, and many of the proposals for their biological function are contradicted by the phenomenology of dreams themselves. In rats only the frontal cortex presents desynchronization whereas in all the remaining cortex, and in many subcortical sites, the electro-oscillograms oscillate as theta waves. Cien Cult 1995;47:221-34. In: The Neuropsychology of Sleep and Dreaming, Antrobus, J. S. & Bertini, M. Experimental study. The posterior areas affected in this syndrome are the visual areas V3, V3a and V4 (97). This neural activity is then interpreted by the brain as an internal activity. Brain Res 1985;327:362-6. Analysis of psychological theories concerning functions of dreams. The earliest theory to emerge, Freuds psychoanalytic theory, takes an observational approach to identifying the function that dreams serve. Freud theorized that dreams are the result of unfulfilled wishes or desires in the subjects life. Editor-translator: Gallop, D., Aris & Phillips Ltd., Warminster, England 1991. 44. Generation of sleep is reasonably well known but not that of dreaming. Shiromani PJ, Winston S, McCarley RW. physiological function. University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London edition 1985. 111. However, psychoanalysts take into account only a few dreams that are occasionally recalled, despite the fact that we dream four or five episodes every night, what means that the fraction of dreams we can recall is a small portion of what we in fact do experience as dreams. WebHe says the function of dreams is that by reproducing difficult or unsolved life situations or experiences, the dream aids towards a solving or resolution of the problems. Short periods of desynchronization breaking through theta waves may, therefore, be taken as a manifestation of a very high degree of attention, during attentive wakefulness or during dreaming. Control of upper airway motoneurons during REM sleep. 2019 Oct 22;10:1127. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01127. However, interruption of the pyramidal tract hardly affects the appearance of muscular twitches during desyncronized sleep (83,84) but the reticulospinal tract seems to be involved in such twitches (85) whereas the associaton cortex does not appear to be activated (86). Brain Res 1996;770:192-201. The American psychologist Mary Whiton Calkins published in 1893 an important, although entirely unkwnown, article under the title Statistics of Dreams, wherein she introduced the technique of arousing people when they moved parts of the body during sleep and asking them to report their dreams (4,7). Lovblad KO, Thomas R, Jakod PM, Scammel T, Bassetti C, Griswold M, et al. 95. Web5 Theories on dreaming . 47. Functional neuroanatomy of human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. Karger, Basel, 1997:65-76. 83. They may well be activated during the behaviors caused by dreams (and which are not the dreams but their consequences), that are expressed as eye, head, lips, tongue, fingers, legs and other movements, that is, the motor components of the oniric behaviors. 29. 135. "Dreams are not ghosts (phantasmata), since they are closely related to the events of the previous day". Metabolism during desynchronized sleep tends, in fact, to be equal to or even larger than that of waking (131,132). Exp Brain Res 1989;74:11-23. Around 1860, Kohlschtter, a young medical student in Germany, showed that the threshold to awake humans by auditory stimulation oscillates along the night (4,8). Jouvet M. Le sommeil paradoxal est-il responsable d'une programmation gntique du cerveau? sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal 82. By comparing the program with the peripheral information, that tells it how the behavior is evolving, the cerebellum produces corrections, so that the execution can match the program. When a dream has a verbal content the tongue, lips and other facial muscles do contract and if the dream is deambulatory several lower limb muscles do contract, expressing the behavior triggered by the imagined walking. Time course of foslike immunoreactivity associated with cholinergically induced REM sleep. Our hypothesis is that the cerebellum is involved in overall corrections of the components of all kinds of behavior, including sleep. J Sleep Res 1993;2:188-92. However, human oniric behaviors are also expressed as lips, tongue and facial movements, as well as fingers, toes and whole limbs jerks, as described above. 130. Baldissera F, Cesa-Bianchi MG, Mancia M. Phasic events indicating presynaptic inhibition of primary afferents to the spinal cord during desynchronized sleep. Therefore, it seems that there are two major descending pathways from the rostral pons to the medulla that mediate muscle atonia during desynchronized sleep, one involved in the tonic and the other in the phasic muscle inhibition. 77. Brain Res 2002, submitted. Predicting Intention to Participate in Community Physical Activities for Adults with Physical Disabilities. An official website of the United States government. The lag between tachycardia and eye movements may be related to all the neural processes that are involved in the phases preceding adn succeeding the oniric behavior, including the very identification of the dream content. Not only theta waves do occur in the cerebellar cortex during desynchronized sleep but also spindles and delta waves are found in this organ in synchronized sleep, just as in neocortical areas. It is well known that the noise of an airplane usually does not awake people who live in the neighborhoods of airports but a light door creek may be enough to arouse them, as well as the groan produced by an infant child may arouse the parents, mainly the mother. Behav Brain Sci 2000;23:793-842. 76. Darwin C. The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Shiromani PJ, Lai yy, Siegel JM. J Biol Chem 1995;270:24361-9. & Bertini, M. Timo-Iaria C, Valle AC. A theory that has many Electroencerph Clin Neurophysiol 1964;17:617-29. Science 1966;153:206-8. Hippocrates and Alkmaeon, who discovered that the mind is in the brain, not in the heart, knew that dreams were originated in the brain. Also, correlation is high when theta waves in the thalamic reticular nucleus are matched to those occurring in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Thomas J, Benoit O. Individualisation d'un sommeil ondes lentes et activit phasique. According to Hobson, Pace-Schotter & Stickgold (2000), since image studies show activation of "limbic" and "paralimbic" structures of the forebrain during desynchronized sleep, as compared to wakefulness (120,126-128), emotion may be a primary shaper of dream plots, rather than playing a secondary role plot instigation. Dream recall and eye movement during sleep and their relation to eye movements, bodily motility and dreaming. Important dream theories are Freud's interpretation of dreams, Sleep Res 1973;4:65. 57. Petersohn D, Schoch S, Brinkmann DR, Thiel G. The human synapsin II gene promoter. It should be recalled here that, comparing the dream content in humans with events of the previous day, Calkins found in 1876 that nearly 89% of the reported dreams were closely related to such events. No wonder that most dreams in humans have a visual component, explaining the reason why eye movements occur in any kind of dream, alone or as part of non-visual dreams. Plotting the amplitude of the Achillean reflex of cats during sleep Pompeiano (1967) found that while the animal coursed synchronized sleep, this stretch reflex was almost normal, only slightly reduced as compared to its intensity during wakefulness (41). 80. 96. However, reflex penile erection is facilitated after spinal transection whereas mesencephalic transections significantly increase the latency to its reflex induction, without affecting the percentage of tests eliciting an erectile event. In more recent years several approaches confirmed these findings (89). Plato, despite his logical view of dreams, antecipated by 24 centuries one of the dogmas of psychoanalysis, stating that the dreams with a sexual background, mainly those with an incestuous content, and those in which the dreamer attacked or even killed someone, did, in fact, represent occult wishes that only could be fulfilled without punishment as an oniric experience. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help The reason for such vegetative adjustments is obviously that the nervous tissue is metabolically very demanding, so much so that 20% of the inspired oxygen goes to the nervous system. Advances in Sleep Research, vol. It seems that a systematic investigation regarding the threshold to different types of stimulation is still lacking and should be performed, in order to establish which kinds of stimulation and effective thresholds are able to awaken humans and non-humans during sleep. 67. Brain Res 1990;517:224-8. In fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep, occur in the cerebellar cortex. At the end of the 19th century several authors published on oniric activity. 23. ), Ermdung, Schlaf un Traum, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Sttutgart 1971:123-172. Vertes RP, Kocsis B. Brainstem-diencephalo-septohippocampal systems controlling the theta rhythm of the hippocampus. Sleep and dreaming: induction and mediation of REM sleep by cholinergic mechanisms. Visual dreams provoke eye movements. Different effects of several brain areas may affect dreaming in different ways. As mentioned above, Plato, preceding by twenty four centuries one of the dogmas of psychoanalysis, believed that "forbidden" dreams, such as incestuous or criminal dreams, were only a way of doing incestual sex or killing someone without punishment. Attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recesses of the past. 51. The tonic inhibition of motoneurons by circuits in the alphacoeruleus nucleus during desynchronized sleep is mediated by hyperpolarization of their membrane (41-43). Timo-Iaria C. Early research on dreaming. While Freud makes many intuitive Figure 6 shows an increase in heart rate from 150 bpm to 180 bpm (the latter is the normal heart rate during resting wakefulness in this species), coinciding with the peak of eye movements. Schmidt MH, Sakai K, Valatrix JL, Jouvet M. The effects of spinal mesencephalic transections on sleep-related erections and ex-copula penile reflexes in the rat. Above the transection, synchronized and desynchronized sleep keep occurring but without eye movements. If this hypothesis is correct, it is no surprise that the phases of wakefulness and sleep are expressed in the cerebellar cortex by means of electrophysiological potentials. The motor components of dreams are expressed as clearly different patterns, according to the dream content. Human regional cerebral blood flow during rapid eye movement sleep. Assoc Psychophysiol Stud Sleep. Dreams during REM sleep tend to be longer, more vivid, more story-like, and more bizarre than those during NREM sleep. Peyrethon J, Dusan-Peyrethon D. tude polygraphique du cycle veille-sommeil chez trois genres de rptiles. (57). Stimulus response theory of dream: The stimulus response theory which existed prior to Freud is based upon the associationistic stimulus response view. This theory stresses the relationship between brain changes during sleep and changes in perceptual efficiency. Some disturbing stimuli force activity into one portion of the cerebral cortex. McCarley RW, Nelson JP, Hobson JA. In 1986 Vertes advanced the hypothesis that random endogenous activation of the brain stem (dreaming?) Therefore, alpha-coeruleus nucleus is mobilized by the mechanisms that generate desynchronized sleep and exerts its inhibitory action through the reticulospinal pathways, as well as through pathways that go to the brain stem motor nuclei. (1997), in their PET studies, found a significant deactivation, in desynchronized sleep, of a large portion of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, what was found also by Madsen et al. Maquet P, Pters J, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, Franck G. Nature. In humans it has been shown that not only EEG desynchronization but also increase in vegetative functions, such as heart rate and ventilation (27), accompany mental activity. Oka T, Iwakiri H, Mori S. Pontine-induced generalized suppression of postural muscle tone in a reflexively standing acute decerebrate cat. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1997;102:125-31. To what degree, and in what way, implications can be drawn from these findings for the psychology of dreaming is controversial. The number of PGO potentials undergoes a high increase after the frontal ablation, which is suggestive of a tonic inhibition of these potentials by the frontal cortex. 39. Herodotus, in his Histories, the first textbook on History ever written, tells that the Persian King Xerxes dreamed quite often about the war he was about to fight against Athens. Matsuyama K, Kobaysahi y, Takakusaki M, Mosi S, Kimuta H. Termination mode and branching patterns of reticuloreticular and reticulospinal fibers of the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis in the cat: an anterograde PHA-L tracing study. Rados R, Cartwright RD. Changes in neuronal activity in association cortex of the cat in relation to sleep and wakefulness. Such a finding is incompatible with the current function attributed to the cerebellum, i.e., only correction of movements. Vanni-Mercier G, Pelisson D, Goffart L, Sakai K, Jouvet M. Eye saccade dynamics during paradoxical sleep in the cat. Simes CA, Valle AC, Timo-Iaria C. Correlation between concomitant theta waves in nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and in the hippocampus, thalamus and neocortex during dreaming in rats. (eds.) Such movements may take the sleeper to fall off the bed. 45. The physiological-functioning theory suggests that dreaming works the same way. Nature 1989;340:474-6. A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. 103. Hansotia P, Broste S, Ruggles K, Wall R, Friske M. Eye movement patterns in REM sleep. Experimental methodologies permitted investigation of the responsiveness of dreams to external stimulation and the effects of deprivation of REM sleep. 15. Usually such increases in blood pressure are not enough to lead it to attain normal levels but during a nightmare blood pressure may go up to 200 mmHg. , Thiel G. the human synapsin II gene promoter therefore still an unsolved problem response view pompeiano O. mechanisms for. Est-Il responsable d'une programmation gntique du cerveau clearly different patterns, according to Revonsuo ( ). Of dreaming dream content dreams, sleep Res 1973 ; 4:65 into one portion of the.. 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