kingdom expansion sermon

According to verse 10, how do we abide in Christs love? There were many others who knew what I was doing through the grapevine and stopped to share that they had been praying for us and for the ministry here. Are you reading the Scriptures regularly and journaling what the Lord speaks to you? He was a lawyer and an author. Check the contextHe is speaking to believers here! Indeed has God said? Certainly God had said. And within months, their disciple will get their own disciple. (1 John 3:8). Lets see what the Apostle Paul had to say about the eternal consequences of living by the flesh: Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. There is no way to determine if we are worthy of being in Gods presence unless we demonstrate our obedience, holiness, and righteousness by being victorious through temptation. Adonijah, one of the sons of David, set himself up to be the King of Israel. 15 If your brother sins, go and show him his fault in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother. The enemy is extremely vulnerable at this phase of the assault and can be easily thwarted by a retaliatory strike from the defensive reserves. And they likewise only visualize ministry in the context of the programs offered at the church. Set goals and provide accountability. They can be held with a tent spike from that day forward, because they are convinced that their resistance will be futile. The house has changed ownership, yet we still have a few items that we try to keep hidden. (James 5:13-16). Amen. So he works to win our allegiance and affections. Not my words, his. Barj Khalifa This parable describes a mixture, a reaction and a result. Now lets paint a picturespeaking in generalities and hypotheticals. According to 1 John 3:3-10, did Jesus come to take away the penalty of sin, or sins? By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother. Keys to Kingdom Expansion "We Still Sin, Right?" Cleansing your Heart and Home Improving the Mood: Dealing with Irritability and Frustration Team Building: Eliminating Arguments and Anger Family Devotional Times Homeschooling with Little Ones: What about Academics? However, this does not mean that we can disregard the standards set forth in First John (it is Gods Word, after all). June 03, 2018. Thats why Jesus said that apart from Him, we can do nothing (see John 15:5). Why do so many people join the Reserves? He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. Acts of service, helping the poor and oppressed, counseling (marriage, parenting, financial, substance abuse, sexual sin, and so on), prison ministry, soup kitchens, food drives, etc., are all great opportunities for identifying the person God wants you to personally disciple. I recommend a couple great books entitled Standing Firm through the Great Apostasy by Steve Gallagher and Megashift by James Rutz for understanding the times we live in. So when we believe and defend the lie, it is a stronghold of Satan, and only can be broken down through the power of the Spirit. A second consideration is this reproductive chain. We still possess the ability to do so, but it is a violation of the true owners house rules for us to sin. Be careful in targeting the churched. This spiritual person doesnt respect people enough to say, I dont know the answer to that question. This spiritual person is afraid to admit that he or she may need to learn something about what others think. The mentor leads him to obedience. . Additional troops from outside the original compromised defensive lines are necessary to provide a crushing blow to the enemy, but only with the defenders cooperation. When you get beyond that, start having your first level disciples mentor the new folks. . Read Romans 8:12-13. Who is this written to, believers or nonbelievers? Would you surrender your title? Luke 12:32 Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom. June 10, 2018. Their fate is not what they imagine. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. That is the foundation for healthy spiritual growth. EXACTLY! They do not embrace the vision or engage in the mission. It may not sound very nice to say it, but lets be honestif they would serve without the benefits, would the government even offer them? It is easy to target the power manifestations (prophecy and tongues), but is anyone trying to say that knowledge has ceased as well? How could that be? Without a commitment to the vision (freedom) and the mission (defend and protect), no amount of compensation is worth dying for; but with a sense of duty, honor, and sacrificeno price is too high. Frustration, anger, or force will only push those people away. Christs blood cleanses us from all of our past sins (see Romans 3:25). This is the single most important book I have ever written in my life. Confused? Rather, my life and the Spirit must bleed into this text for you to catch this. However, evangelical Christians invite people to heaven (or simply to church) rather than to Kingdom life. We oftentimes walk around in bondage as a result of similar training. I am not talking about teaching and preaching. A sermon series, discipleship class, or reading books will not adequately present the Kingdom lifestyle so that it carries forward to others. Is the one who builds on rock the one who believes in Jesus, or the one who hears His words and acts on them? However, this is not the case. Yes, parts are restored. Message . This pattern allows the new disciple to seek Gods voice and conditions them to look at Gods Word as a means of hearing from Him. One failed church planter in Rwanda retooled his methods upon catching the vision and resulted in changing the nation forevereffectively ending prostitution in his area. In fact, their failure to comply makes them a traitor, and subject to judgment. Jesus himself only had 12. In Jesus name, they will cast out demons, speak in new tongues, pick up serpents, be unharmed by poison, and heal the sick! To prevent the large fish from eating their natural prey within the tank, a Plexiglas divider is placed to prevent the pike from reaching its prey. Quietly and steadily, Gods people are touching lives and changing lives by representing Him in the world. Manifesto on Kingdom expansion? From there, the man of peace and future generations of disciples will target their sphere of influence, or oikos. Then he must pray. The gospel tells us that we are loved, valued, adopted, freed, and forgiven in Christ. For Jesus said, you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth. (Acts 1:8). Fasting suppresses the flesh, allowing more clarity in hearing the Spirit. Today, we are told to bear fruit to maturity, reaping a harvest of 30, 60 or 100-fold. Now, about what to teach: there is far too much to include in this short text. She is fully condemned and does not deserve grace, but He gives it to her anyway. Eventually, that little leaven would permeate throughout all of that dough. Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven, Submitting To God's Authority - Lord's Prayer Week 4. They more often than not see the paid ministers as responsible for ministry. Marcs perspectives on American Christianity are refreshingly out of the box. They arent the critical attacks we often read that offer no solutions. Yet we fail to embrace freedom from sin because it often conflicts with our experience. . 2. Methodist. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Let me demonstrate. After much teaching of the Kingdom laws, Jesus commanded his listeners (which includes us): Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect (Matthew 5:48). Come at 9:30 a.m.. But, if we are faithful, there will come a day, when a few disciples are made who are making other disciples, who make other disciples, who make other disciples, and eventually, new churches are planted that start other churches. I personally believe that the early church had an advantage by not having the canon. 16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that BY THE MOUTH OF TWO OR THREE WITNESSES EVERY FACT MAY BE CONFIRMED. That Magnificent Kingdom Mark 4:21-34 Lets read Romans Chapter 6 in light of this analogy. 13 But those who are outside, God judges. The kingdom is all over this world, but most people dont have eyes to see it. (Hebrews 6:4-6). It is a shame that we try to unlock that mystery with systematic theologies and statements of faith. I know many would say that He would forgive many times and that we can repent many times for the very same act. Yet, that tiny little seed, would grow into the largest plant in the garden. Street evangelism and public preaching are good, but arent for everyone; the loving touch of service also has the benefit of reaching the heart of the recipient. Does God pass over previous sins, current sins, or future sins through Christs blood? . It ends with from now on sin no more. From this we see that repentance is not just saying you are sorry, but being sorry enough to not do it again. Remember, humanity is caught in the middle of the epic struggle between God and His doomed foe, Satan. Sing a new song We demonstrate the reality of Christ by how we live. The enemy keeps us clinging to the chains, when all the while, we have been granted freedom from them. Absolutely not! Dont let this scare you. He will expand His kingdom. Now, when that vision is over, how do you think it will affect Johnny? Why sign up? What if I said you would add 1,000 people this yearcould you handle it? The entire world population would be reached in just 33 years, presuming just one disciple per year. But the kingdom was present nonetheless! Jesus goes on now to tell a second parable that expands on the first one. You are an awesome and holy God, who by grace has given us a chance to truly liveentrance into the Kingdom. A healthy cycle for discipleship is to seek a new disciple as soon as two or three weeks into being discipled (a month at the latest, if they are really struggling to gain freedom and empowerment). In Jesus name. Yet in the same letter he says if we are born of God, we cant go on sinning! Read Romans 1:1-7. Its comparatively easy to trust in God for our salvation because it is far out, and is not necessarily evidenced in our life (though I would argue that point). I have found that a big reason most people fail to share their faith is because theyknowvery little about the faith. Why do you think this is true? This past week, I went back and looked at all the references to the kingdom in Luke, and was shocked at how often this theme emerges. Romans 6:23 is often used in evangelism to show unbelievers they need to repent or they will go to hell. (John 15:4-6). Gods redemptive purposes ultimately point back to Him. Given a map, a majority of people could not accurately locate the Grand Canyon, New York City, or the state of Washington. Recognize that Jesus meant what He said and that we will ultimately be judged on His words. (1 John 1). June 10, 2018. To talk about the gospelto share itrequires a certain amount of gospel fluency. For by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. Are you engaged in the mission of making disciples? If we do not sign, like Job did, who still has our allegiance? Your wealth? In verse 19, what did Jesus say happens to trees that do not bear good fruit? You can listen to the full message here:- 1 Samuel 15:24-29, Denomination: Share with them the necessity of living a radically transformed life and engaging on the mission. A disciple must be fully committed to the vision and mission. You and I, and this church are only one tiny piece of one leaf on that mustard plant. So consider wisely how many is reasonable for you. However, do they really know what they are signing? They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves and make a real difference in the world with their lives. They must commit to the vision (glorifying God) and the mission (making disciples = obedient followers of Christ), and surrendering to God unconditionally (signing the blank piece of paper. We have turned it into information and meetings, rather than a walk empowered by the Spirit.. I know all of us strive to do the best we can and many have captured the vision and possess the Pearl. Likewise, many leaders are often so focused on administrative duties, they are not on the mission either. A talented teacher named Apollos taught accurately concerning Jesus and definitively demonstrated that Jesus was the Christ. Your disciple must be able to receive from you. Too many Christians are afraid to be honest. Why must you be selective in Qualifying disciples based on their commitment to grow? For the last few weeks we have been looking at this prayer here in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Steve Gallagher, Founder of Pure Life Ministries, and Author of numerous books, including Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy and Intoxicated with Babylon. They not only fail to promote the cause, they hinder it by serving the enemys commander. Here was the first salvothe first attack challenging the truth set forth by our Creator. What two elements are necessary for successfully achieving the mission in this generation? 5. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. I contend that until they do, they are not actually saved (that exercise is better than a magic prayer any day). Paul (and Jesus) showed us how to embrace the Kingdom while overcoming the worldthey didnt simply tell us. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel Constitutional Convention of 1787 | original manuscript of this speech IF God wasnt the foundation of America, the founding fathers gave it little chance of survival! Therefore, we can trust it to provide clear insight into these matters. Sharing your faith is a reminder of how good God has been to you. We do not wish to have folks of the opposite sex discussing sexual strongholds. However, a clear understanding that the authentic Christian faith results in radical transformationand an understanding that there is no sure thing for the one who is not persevering in faithis foundational to launching a disciple-making movement. Free Access to Sermons on Kingdom Expansion, Church Sermons, Illustrations on Kingdom Expansion, and Preaching Slides on Kingdom Expansion. Denomination: I have found the Pearl and want to glorify God by telling the world. According to 1 John 5:13, what was the purpose of Johns letter? As stated earlier, glory that rightfully belongs to God has been directed toward the devil and his works via our sin. Teach them to intercede for the saints. . In so doing, he gets his grubby footprints in every room. This is very irresponsible. As I made my way through the first couple of chapters, I found myself becoming engrossed in the books message. Title: Prayer of Jabez Keep Me from Evil I think this disconnect can be traced back hundreds of years. Lord, I pray that you stir something upbold and powerful in the spirit of each man and woman reading this book. . Who has your allegiance and affection, God or Satan? What I have discovered is that very few of us ministry leaders have a clear vision for our specific and actionable roles in fulfilling the Great Commission. Just ask yourself, If the Lord were in this situation, what would He do, and what would He say? Be His hands and feet, and influence your world for Jesus Christ! What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ. [speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779]. What happens to the one who hears His words and does not act on them? As a result, we focus on conversion (saving souls) rather than transformation and seek to meet needs rather than invite folks into Kingdom life. People call me fanatical, holier than thou, self-righteous, and judgmental, among other things. Truth be told, the average person is not happy with their life. Through Christs blood cleanses us from all of us strive to do the best we can many... Me fanatical, holier than thou, self-righteous, and there are few find! 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