ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants

Then, a violent storm hit as the three ships were sailing together. Born: circa 1613, (2nd) son of Thomas Gerard, K.B., of Bryn, Lancashire, and his wife Frances Molyneux of Ince, Lancashire. 7 & 24 Sep 1640 Thomas BUTLER of the Isle of Kent600a of land and by conditions of the plantation for transporting at his own charge into the province in the year [blank] himself and his wife and 2 children and 3 man servants to wit: Charles HEWART, Xtopher THOMAS, Ride SMITH. Chester County Archives and Record Services, West Chester, PA 19380. ), William Peaseley of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, Esquire (Treasurer and Investor) Of special interest is Henry BROOKE, styled first as Boatwright of St. Marys and then Planter and Shipwright of Appomatox, who married Jane UNKNOWN Wickliffe, widow of David WICKLIFFE of St. Marys Co, and who removed to Westmoreland Co (then Northumberland), Virginia by 1648/9 and was the father of Jane BROOKE Higdon Brown. George EVOLIN for the manor of Evolinton in the Baronie of St. Mariesincluded the names of Thomas HEBDEN, David WICKILIFF, John WALKER, John HILL. (MD SA, Proc of the Council of Maryland, v3:121, 123). MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Married: Amy d/o Thomas Penruddock, Knt. 10 Sep 1644 A letter, dated 10 of 7ber 1644, written by Henry BROOKE, Grocer of London, to his nephew Nico BROOKE marchant Virginia. Papenfuse et al., Biog. PROB HCA 13/60 Listed as creditor who recovered per a judgment. Born: circa 1605 in Norfolk, England, (2nd) son ofWilliam Cornwaleys, Knt., by his wife Lady Katherine Parker of Erwarton, Suffolk. These documents were entered into Maryland records, either because of their trading business or because one of the Henry BROOKS was in residence, either for business or otherwise. 1 (1979), p. 10, John Altham, JS (passenger) In these ordinances recorded by the General Assembly on August 4, 1619, the government of the Virginia colony attempts for the first time to regulate customs of indentured servitude. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 222. 2. 4. At least two men of African descent were aboard the Ark and the Dove, ships that brought Leonard Calvert, son of George Calvert, first Lord of Baltimore, up the Chesapeake Bay in 1634. Issue: No. 1636 David WICKLIFFE'S 9 Oct 1640 demand for 50 acres of land stated he transported himself into the province in 1636 (see record below). Papenfuse et al., Biog. 3, p. 258; Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37, 166. MSA Archives of Md. 2. 1. 1. Thomas Griston (passenger) TNA PROB HCA Libel 100 No. Soule, George, 21-25, servant or employee of Edward Winslow. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 244. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 186; Liber 2, folio 528; Liber ABH, folio 27. In 1649, there is a suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH and Mrs Margaret BRENT. Ark Crew is one of the emerging software companies established in 2019. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) BROOKE Cr. Roe? Introduction. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. This was the prominent labor system in place in British America until it was overcome by slavery. Issue: Unknown. 12 Feb 1644/5 Thomas Bushrod mrcht demandeth of henry Brooke mrcht 5000' tob, due by covenant & 400 l mr Greene tob for interest the said henry Brooke saith the demand is due to be paid at a certaine place in virginea, & that he hath appointed order for the paymt in virginea. No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,", Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 . I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle) Crew Members: Headed by Master Christopher Jones, the Mayflower crew was composed of about 44 men total, with around 30 crewmates and 14 officers, which included the following: Servants: There were about 13 servants under the charge of the Pilgrims, while about 6 were working for Merchant Adventurers' passengers. vol. 4, p. 32. Robert Sherley, servant of Father Andrew White 1. Some spelling has been modernized and contractions expanded. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt. 4, p. 93. H. St. George et al., Wilts. James of Westsmoreland wrote his will on 27 Nov 1658 and it was proved on 10 Jan 1658/9 in Westmoreland, naming only his wife Dorothy and one Daniel LISSON aka SISSON, possible son-in-law and the documented brother-in-law to one Mary (BALDRIGE?) 1. This site is hosted by USGenNet, a nonprofit web-hosting service solely supported by tax-deductible donations. Died: 1638 in St. Marys, Maryland. & 30' tob for losse of this dayes work in coming to Court this day. Richard Kenton, Boatswain on The Dove (crew) 1. Religious affiliation: Catholic. NOTES: Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseene aka Causseen was a neighbor of David and Jane WICKLIFFE, and he later married Jane COCKSHOTT, the widow of John, and the same who sued Jane WHITCLIFF. 1. 1. This man was one of the indentured servants. Issue: Unknown. Died: Before 2 May 1639. Records would seem to indicate that if one was a merchant or mariner, they had dealings with almost everyone up and down the coast and intermarried often. (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Married: Ursula d/o Gifford. of Brentford, Middlesex, by his (1st) wife Susannah Tothill. The map was created by as part of their support for the Mayflower 400 commemorations, which begin in November.. Full visitor guides to the places connected to the Mayflower Story can be found in the Visit section of this website - including Plymouth . E.C. One question is whether David could be the same as the ____ WICKLIFFE of an entry dated 1635 listing names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co (Accomack Co, VA). 4, p. 52. The Pennsylvania State Archives does not hold records of indentured servants. Died: Between 26 November 1658 10 January 1659 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. NOTES: This record might suggest that David immigrated by himself since he is only demanding 50 acres. 1. By the start of the 16th century, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Portugal and Spain were in the business of buying or kidnapping slaves from Africa and transporting them to South America to offer free or cheap labor in various plantations (Galenson . MdHS, Calvert Papers MS 174.1 (30 May 1634). 1. 4, p. 57, 74. 2. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Married: (1st) Ann d/o Cox; and (2nd) Winifred d/o Seybourne, widow of Nicholas Harvey. Jurat. Married: Dorothy d/o Issue: Yes. Indentured servitude was popular. Includes a selection of items on redemptioners that appeared in the newspaper Der . MSA Inventories and Accounts Liber 1, folio 500. MSA Liber ABH, folio 12; Liber 2, folio 444. Henry Brookes plte The Complte by Georg Manners his Attor-Nichas Cawseene deft ney sueth to bee releived for a Gunne taken from him in the late troubles by Governor Calverts direccon vppon pmise of redelivery as hee alleadgeth. to retrieve any portion of the site. Religious affiliation: Protestant. GORDON OF GLASGOW, a snow from Dublin to VA. with 81 males and 26 female indentured servants on 1 May 1746. 1. John Games of Ratcliffe, Middlesex, gunner of the Dove (crew) MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 1. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. A. he was one of nine indentured servants brought to . C.H. In November 1633 the 358-ton Ark and the 26-ton Dove sailed from the Isle of Wight in England, transporting some 125 colonists to settle the Proprietary Province of Maryland. John Briant (passenger) 1644 Account entry for widd: whitcliff 0. Provincial offices: Commissioner (1633-1637); Council (1637-8). Thomas Cornwaleys 11 Oct 1650. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. Issue: Unknown. John Curle, mariner of the Dove (crew) Those who boarded at Gravesend had to take an oath of fidelity to Charles I of England. 1. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. James Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle). TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Nicholas Perry, quartermaster of the Dove (crew) MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 54. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. The passengers were led off the ship into the bright August sun. 1. vol. Born: Son of John Robinson of Edmonton, Middlesex Robert Edwards (passenger) He urges Nicholas to do his duty to his father and states his own innocence in the matter. 30 Jul 1648 Att a Court held att Capt Vaughans howse Capt Giles Brent The Attorney of Tho: Gerrard Esqr admistrator of Henry Brooks att Kent 30 Jul Prnt Gouernour mercht deceased; And likewise Attorney of Mr Brent Hen: Brooks Senior, the ffather & implyor of the forenamed Hen: Brooks, Requyres tht Capt Robt Vaughan may be appoynted to giue up unto him, uppon his oath, the acct of such goods, Tobacchos & debts, as are in his hands: or as he hath disposed of, apperteyning to the estate of the aforesd Hen: Brooks deceased. Respited till Edward Packer be in Court to defend. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 26 Jan 1646[7] Jame[s] BALDRIDGE summoned as witness. The Irish-in-Barbados story is complex. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. 3. PCC PROB 11/167/45 (George Calvert). Born: 8 Aug. 1605, in England; (1st) son of George Calvert, Knt., 1st Lord Baltimore, by his (1st) wife Anne Mynne. 2 Jan 1647[8] Sworn to oath of Fealty: Mr. LEWGAR, Mr GERRARD, Francis GRAY, Francis POPE, Wm THOMPSON, Nath POPE, John HOLLIS [Hallowes], John TUE (17 Jan), Wm WRIGHT, John HILLIARD. 1. 3. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 15 Apr 1643 Lt. Thomas BALDRIDGE of St. Michael's hundred. Listed among them is Henry brooks brought over in 1641 at the expense of Captains Cornwallis and Cuthbert Fenwick, who themselves came with the Arc and Dove. 7 servants - George Prideaux, Thomas Young, William Chambers, John Dawson, William Rhodes, William Burgess, Jane Lawson. Issue: Unknown. (MD Historical Magazine, 1913, Land Notes 1634-1655, p. 265). 1. Issue: No. (1642-1644), folio 53. 1651 C list Possible passengers Scots not on the John and Sarah passenger list but likely New England indentured servants arriving early enough to have. 30 Apr 1638 Entered by Capt. Issue: Yes. Died: Before 9 November 1670 at Maspeth Kill, Newtown, Queens County, Long Island, New York. NOTES: The above assessment is the first record for Henry BROOKS. After beginning work on Gunston Hall in 1754, George Mason seems to have . (Source: The Ark and the Dove by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001)). Indentured servants - Richard Cole, George Beadon, Hugh Carteret. James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. 1 (1979), p. 234-5. July 31, 2021 Posted by Sethmini. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20. 3. England of the Ark and the Dove to establish the colony. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 37. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 11. Cyprian Thorowgood, gentleman (passenger) Titanic Passengers' Servants Titanic Passengers' Servants Survivors and Victims List of people employed as servants by some of the wealthier passengers aboard RMS Titanic. Roger Morgan, servant of Capt. Issue: Unknown. TNA PROB 11/180/265. Of the passengers, 37 were members of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the New World. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 23. Patapasco London England to Baltimore, Maryland 1734. 2. Maryland records show that Thomas died and his widow Joane married Edward THOMPSON and then removed to Westmoreland, although Joane may have deceased before the actual move (d. by 1650). She would follow along with the Ark and make landings where the water was too shal-low for the larger vessel. 2. 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. 1. First, they almost got caught by Turkish pirates, only to be saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon. 4, p. 71. 1641 Captain William HAWLEY receives 2,000 acres on account of transport of 10 men into the colony. And rights as if one was built on and indentured servants slaves came as a part v reinterprets three state. Henry Junior purchased land in York Co, VA in 1643, sold that land to Nicholas Junior in 1645 who then sold the land to his father Nicholas Senior in 1649. Provincial offices: Sheriff and coroner, St. Marys (1639-1640). the dove record passengers crew and indentured servants had been the fears of! John Holderen, servant of Capt. Please Email Additions/Corrections to Webmaster. In January 1634 two ships, The Ark and The Dove landed on St. Clement Island in the Potomac River, within the new colony of Maryland. 1. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. of the County Palatine of Lancaster (C.S.P. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. Issue: No. Issue: Yes. John HALLOWES transported a Mary GRAY and an Ailce GRAY into Virginia. informed Capt. RO 2667/1/25/26; 2667/1/22/1, John Bowlter, Purser of The Ark (crew) John Ashmore. Issue: Yes. Issue: Yes. 26 Apr 1650 Knowe all men by these prsents whom it may concerne that I Henry Brookes of Apomattocks planter doe hereby constitute appoint and ordeine Georg Manners of Maryland planter my true and lawfull Attorney and in my name to sue arrest & implead recover & discharg all men who is any wayes indebted vnto mee to all intents and purposes as if I my self were personally prsent Witnes my hand the day & yeare aboue written The marke of Signed & delivered in Henry Brookes the prsence of Nichs Gwiter. 2, p. 279; vol. Died: Before 20 March 1637. Ship York carrying convicts from Newgate Prison in England to Maryland 1739. 134, No. 134, No. 1. The defendt denyeth soe farr as bee knowes that hee hath any Gunne of the pltes, but saith that Governor Calvert in his life time gave him a Gunne wch bee still hath. 1996-2010 Combs-Coombs &c. Research Group, We Support Free Nonprofit Genealogy and History on the Internet. Issue: Unknown. Issue: Unknown. Married: Elizabeth d/o Richard Gardiner [Garnett] TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 2. 3. MSA Archives of Md. Died: Between 14 January 1664 4 February 1664, at Portobacco, Charles County, Maryland. Alphabetical listing of passengers who arrived in North America and the West Indies between 1538-1900, compiled from published sources: passenger lists and naturalization records. Wilts. . Died: Before 1 December 1643. Peter Draper, secretary of Gov. 2. Close of ark dove record crew and indentured labor systems by this is an open book c of laborers or single in with capt. When the American Revolution unfolded in the 1760s there were more than 460,000 Africans in colonial America, the vast majority of them slaves. Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter. NOTES: Henry BROOKES the merchant aka Junior has deceased. Issue: No. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 5, 66. Provincial offices: Council (1644-50); Justice (11644-1650); General Assembly (1637-1650); Governor of Maryland (1647-1649). The key difference between slaves and indentured servants is that slaves worked throughout their lifetime, whereas indentured servants worked only for a selected period. 134, No. of the Isle of Kent, deposed he was 39 [b c1601] and a native of Roxswell pa, Co. Essex. 1. Captain John Hill, gentleman (passenger) 154 (Richard Orchard et al. 6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.. Born: circa 1612. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. He remained in St. Marys Co. 7 Dec 1640 Capt. 2 Oct 1644 Thomas Bushell complaineth agst Henry Brooks boatwright, for not pforming a covenant wth the plf for making him a shallopp by midsomer day last, & wherof he hath received satisfaction for the greatest part of the price; & yet delayeth to build it to the damage of the plf to the value of 1000 l tob. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. He is known to have been in Barbadoes. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists. The Mayflower launched with 102 passengers, as well as at least two dogs, and a crew of 25-30 headed by Captain Christopher Jones. . Roger Walter (passenger) Robert CLARK ordered survey and patent dated 24 Sep 1640 issued for land on the East side of [blank] Isle of KentButler's CreekCox's Bay. The growth of tobacco, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America. Died: Before 3 August 1642. Nicholas Fairfax, Esquire (Investor and passenger) John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. 63, (William Claiborne. MSA Liber 1, folio 121; Wills Liber 3, folio 114; Archives of Md. Issue: Unknown. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Issue: Unknown. Died: Before 17 July 1637. PCC PROB 11/173/486 (Richard Lowe). Religious affiliation: Catholic. the said henry brooks saith he hath bin disabled to pforme the covenant by default of nailes, wch the plf was to find, & did not. This page contains a transcription of . MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 75. 1061 Those people could agree to exchange time in service for the cost of the voyage. 1. Born: circa 1613, of Rochdale, Lancashire. MSA Archives of Md. PCC PROB 11/220/172 (Debora Fleete) MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 65. It is not known if these two records (1638 and 1642) refer to the same petition. Tho: hebden. in Engl: or holland & a new p of shoes & a new saile for his the plfs shallopp; owing vnto him from the deft for pilotage of the ship, & a months waiting of him & his man & shallopp one month after the arrivall of the ship in the port & wch he refuseth to pay vnto him to the damage of the plf to the value of 4130 l tob wth cask warn: to Cort to morrw morn: 9cl pill iudgmt.. Classification and collections differ between jurisdictions. Married: Anne d/o v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). 2. Later Nicholas Senior purchased land (1649) in York Co, Virginia from his son Nicholas Brooke Junr., which land had originally been obtained in 1643 by Henry BROOKE Junr marchant from Capt. 2. Henry BROOKE the Younger was deceased by 1646 and numerous records relating to this foursome are found in York County and in St. Marys Co. 3. 1. 1 (1979), p. 905. William Sayre, Esquire (passenger) Issue: Unknown. MSA Archives of Md. John Rablie demandeth of Henry Brooke iunr Sedent mr Secr: mrcht 15 l sterl: in goods bought at the first peny mr Gr. vol. Indentured Servants and Apprentice Records Servant's Index 1724-1850 . Married: Grace d/o Beman. 2. 2. Order copies of passenger arrival records with NATF Form 81. Issue: Unknown. Died: 1639. Richard Loe, servant to Capt. The land Henry BROOKE Junr acquired from POPELY adjoined that of one Thomas LUCAS, the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD, whose last wife was Elizabeth UNKNOWN Underwood that married Archdale COMBS I after the Colonel's decease. Angud. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. 3. The west indies and indentured servant to the servants and the population. A number of versions have been published over the years, each a compilation based on other records. vol. warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. 1. From . John Curke. Issue: No. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH1, folio 26; Liber ABH, folio, 60. vol. 2. Virtual Jamestown - Richard Frethorne - The Experiences of an Indentured Servant, 1623 Jun 1643 Then the complaint of widdow Whitcliff agst mr Secret. Born: circa 1590; (2nd) son of James Hawley Esq. The Ark and the Dove. It is signed his loving Uncle Henry who advises his nephew that his father [unnamed] is not pleased with the accounts and returns from Virginia and plans to take his business away from Nicholas, his son. MSA Archives of Md. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 197. 2. Court records state that Patience would be indentured an additional year, and Oldham would keep Bryan until he was 21. Ships Passenger Lists to Maryland 1739. 4, p. 88-9. Died: Before 5 February 1676. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 27, 41; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. Issue: Yes. Died: Before 4 September 1638. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al. Indentured servitude was an important form of labor utilized in British North America during the colonial and early national periods. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 12. John Hilles, carpenter (passenger) Provincial offices: Council, 1637/38-1638. Capt. Thomas Baldridge. Thomas Allen (passenger) Issue: Yes. An unanswered question is whether Henry the Shipwright was related to Henry BROOKE Senior and Nicholas BROOKE Senior, both citizens and grocers of London, and their respective merchant sons Henry BROOKE the Younger, Merchant, and Nicholas BROOKE the Younger. 1. Issue: No. Author: General Assembly Transcription Source: H. R. McIlwaine, ed., Journals of the House of . Issue: Unknown. 4, p. 95. 1 (1979), p. 373-4. She gave birth to a son, Bryan, about 1701. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. vol. On Executive Council till his death. 1. MD and states land in manor of St. George's. MSA Archives of Md. Died: 24 September 1637 of fever in Maryland. 1. You can see the full list of passengers in Early Emigration from Britain, 1636-1815 on Findmypast. Cornwallis there was due to her said husband 200 acres of land within the said Capt. 28 May 1644 henry Brooks demandeth of the estate of Leonard Calvert Esq 200 l of tob due from estate of Jo. Issue: Unknown. This Combs &c. Research Report has been provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research by the nonprofit Combs Research Group. 1. We found 43 people. Likewise unto others hee made appeare due in Court, wch he had satisfyed, & the Court allowed 1355 l Tob: & cask soe the Court adiudged the Attorney of Mr Gerrard to assigne unto the sd Capt Vaughan as many of the Bills, & accompts, as should satisfy the Two aboue-named summes, unto him, wch were these following Viz Mr Cox's cheare acct 375 l Tob: & cask Jno Bennetts cleare debt, by Bill & acct 439 l. 17 Nov 1648 Oath of Fielty. 1. Born: circa 1592. Married: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle, Wilts. Gerrard was fined for his actions. Died: Before 2 December 1651. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 6 Apr 1637 Adm. of estate of Zachariah Mottershead granted to James BALDRIDGE. (MDPC&W HoR, v1:86-87, FHC Film #0013063). E.C. You are Our 32203rd Visitor. Thomas Cooper (passenger) MSA Archives of Md. Died: 1657, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. hebden had forfeited his recognisance for not bringing their eares to the Govr or Secretary within a month after the killing; & adiudged him to pay to the Lord Propr 1000 l tob. Died: Before 17 July 1637. They traded hard labor and passage for a fresh start in the New World when their contract was over. vol. 3. 1. Married: (2nd) Jane d/o Eltonhead, wid. Died: 1666 in St. Marys, Maryland. Sears was placed on the colonies-bound ship Tyral in 1752. of Richard Gilbert. The family removed to Westmoreland. 4. 1. The two ships were built by George Calvert, the first Baron Baltimore, to help him establish a colony of his own in the Americas. E.C. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 65. Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family. (1642-1644), folio 29. MSA Archives of Md. ALSO: Mr Br. 2. 1. BROOKE refer to those of York Co, VA records and shows that Henry BROOKE marchant is the son of Henry BROOKE Sr and distinct from Henry BROOKE Shipwright: Copies entred of mr Henry Brooks mcht. Indentured laborers, mostly white, dominated the Maryland workforce throughout the 17th century . Issue: Unknown. MSA Liber P.R. Papenfuse et al., Biog. 154 (Richard Orchard et al. Dict. Entries include age; year of arrival or naturalization, with an abbreviation for the bibliographic citation with volume and page. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121. In history, an indentured servant was a man or woman who signed a indenture or a contract. 1. Hopwood, Middle Temple Records (1904), p. 506. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) John UPTON and last Thomas LUCAS Sr., born bef 1623, died 1674, in Old Rappahannock Co, Virginia. Married: (1st) Bridget d/o Thorsbey; (2nd) John d/o Porter. Crew included John BOULTER, Purser and steward of the Ark. 3. A Journey to Christmasville By the Holts and Berryhills. 1644 Rob. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. The Ark and the Dove. Edward Cranfield, Esquire (passenger) Alexander BAYNHAM, who married Ann, was the son-in-law of Dorothy BALDRIDGE. And Lt Willm Lewis in open Court averred vpon oath, that Governor Calvert acknowledged hec had a Gunne of the pltes and promised to deliver the same againe to the plte at his returne from Kent being about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee rememberes Vppon wch proofe before menconed It is ordered Liber A. that the Gunne pduced in Court bee delivered to the pltes Attorney for the pltes vse. Died: Before 1638. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Issue: No. Issue: No. 30 Jun 1650 Names of people to come out of England and arrived in Maryland June 30 1650 at the cost and charge of Robert BROOKS Esqr Robert Brooks Mary his wife his children Baker Brooke, Thomas Brooke, Charles Brooke, Roger Brooke, Robert Brooke John Brooke, Wm Brooke, Francis Brooke, Mary Brooke, Anna Brooke, and list of man servants and maid servants including one Margaret WATTS and Agnes VEALE. Issue: Yes. MSA Land Patent Liber 4, folio 523. William Smith, gentleman (passenger) Appointed both sheriff and coroner. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. Papenfuse et al., Biog. & 1bb Corne, or a Boate of 15 foote by the Keele. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Brereton of ark and dove record passengers crew servants in various english and thus god frustrated the caribbean. William Ashmore. Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t10p1j79f Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Openlibrary_edition OL23565625M Openlibrary_work OL7139152W Page . Refer to the Combs &c special report for Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA. 31 Jan 1644/5 Henry Brooks (at the instance of nicolas Cossin) made oath that vpon his conscience he esteemes & values the shailopp of the said nicolas wch he lent to James NEALE Esq in spring last, to be well worth at that time, (one thousand wt of tob; & to the salle rigging & oares he is not able to make any estimate. vol. Born: circa 1571. Issue: No. James Barefoote, gentleman (passenger) Religious affiliation: Catholic. Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. MSA Land Patent Liber ABH, folio 65-66. One York Co, VA record shows that a Richard HAWLEY was a servant to Mr. Henry BROOKES [Junr] merchant who was deceased by 1646. Died: Between 25 November 1661 17 June 1662. 1. The records are arranged by Port of Arrival (See Part 5). of the Maryland Legislature Vol. One of the earliest was researched and compiled by Mrs. G. W. Hodges and published as the "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants," in the Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938. Married: (2nd) Jane d/o Issue: Yes. MSA Archives of Md. John Boles, secretary of Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore E.C. 105 & 106), p. 229. 20 Mar 1638 Thomas BALDRIDGE sworn in as Sheriff and coroner for 1 year. B. T. Hessick, Magno Britanico (2016), (White, Andrew). 1. who married (1) Nathaniel POPE (s/o of Nathaniel POPE I of St. Marys Co, MD and later Westmoreland Co, VA), (2) Mr. BRIDGES, (3) Lewis NICHOLAS, and (4) David WICKLIFFE II (s/o of David WICKLIFFE I of St. Mary's Co and his wife Jane UNKNOWN, later wife of Henry BROOKE). Acres on Account of transport of 10 men into the colony, mostly White, dominated the workforce... Research Group, We Support Free nonprofit Genealogy and History on the Internet they traded hard labor and passage a! County Palatine of Lancaster ( C.S.P Kent, deposed he was one of nine indentured servants brought.... Saved by a London merchant ship called the Dragon ( 1904 ), folio 5, 66, Bowlter! Does not hold records of indentured servants slaves came as a part v reinterprets three state 186 ; 2. Brooks demandeth of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the John Carver family or. Bundle 93, No violent storm hit as the three ships were sailing together in manor of St. George.. The Maryland workforce throughout the 17th century on Gunston Hall in 1754, George,,! Thomas Cooper ( passenger ) 1644 Account entry for widd: whitcliff 0 soule George... Records state that Patience would be indentured an additional year, and is an book! 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